Monday, December 5, 2016

Mr. Wrigley and the importance of consistency in F&B!

At the risk of sounding boring and just repeating what others have said, I write the following because lately I have visited establishments that 'think' they have all the bases covered but are a long way from managing efficiently, and in my opinion, at the risk of losing clientele and going out of the end. Many fail in one or all of the subjects below.

Many restaurants and bars believe that they have a winning concept for their operations, and some do, but how long will it last?

A great food and beverage operation, even while at its' best and most successful will keep on asking questions that allow it to stay ahead of the competition.

William Wrigley was once asked why he kept on marketing his gum when he was already the largest producer and seller of chewing gum. His answer? "I market for the same reason an airline pilot keeps his engines running when once off the ground"

In the same way operations have to ask themselves what they can do better, and ask this question all the time.

The food has to be great and consistently so.
The menu should not be crowded with choices, but each dish should be a masterpiece.
Keep abreast of trends and competition.
Prices should be competitive.
Daily presentations and tasting are a good way to ensure standards.

Unless a signature of the establishment, there is no need to offer exaggerated varieties of beverage, remember, idle stock costs money.
Depending on the standards, it is wise to keep a good selection of wines on the menu, and make sure you have great house wines at reasonable will be the seller it is supposed to be if you do.
Keep abreast of trends and competition.

Every server must know each dish, the ingredients, the taste and be able to inform the guests.
Servers must know to recommend beverages and wines that suit the dishes chosen, and know the beverages and wines offered.
Servers must be well trained and friendly, they are your 'face'.
It may be superfluous to mention,  but servers must be clean and dressed in freshly laundered uniforms or clothes.
Linen must be impeccable.
Do not let a dissatisfied customer leave without resolving justifies complaints.

I have written before but cannot impress enough the importance of maintenance and upkeep.
Check all operating equipment for damage and faults: Unstable chairs and tables, lighting, HVAC, even the cutlery must be impeccable.
Create a team that checks all systems and the establishment at least once a week in depth, and daily as a habit.

Cleanliness: Make sure that everything in the facility is clean and ready to welcome guests: Floors, carpets, tables, chairs, sideboards, WC's, corridors, walls, windows, they must all be above criticism.

Criticism: Follow the comments on social media and respond to ensure better ratings.
Your clients are telling you what they think, ignore this at your peril.


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