Friday, December 30, 2016

Create a plan for the next year to improve your profitability and ROI!

Create a plan for the next year to improve your profitability and ROI!

STAY Ahead Hospitality is now up and running well. I have a few select clientele and am now working on a plan for the new year that will be really attractive and target independent properties with a promise to collaborate on a yearly plan to improve their operations.
Not only will it be really affordable even to the smaller operations but it will, include something that give every operator that joins me a great platform from which to build a plan. The plan will form the basis on which to be able to compete with the competitive set, improve and streamline the operations while ameliorating the business mix to maximize the best segmentation for ADR improvement.
Every serious operation needs a yearly plan within the context of the budget, and within the context of a longer plan for operational improvement, and STAY can help create this.
I will be rolling the plan out in the new year and will start by offering it first to the independent properties in Ontario, but it will be with a limited number of properties as I want to be able to focus and collaborate to create an in depth plan for those properties I take on.
More to come but I promise that the plan will be blockbuster plan and one that is NOT to be missed by operators who know the need for and are looking for professional assistance in getting a fresh start towards a better ROI.
Don't forget, YSNWA! (Go on, take a look!)
All the best for a Happy New Year, and may it be successful for all!
Stephen W. Ayers

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