Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women’s thoughts

International Women’s Day

Stephen W. Ayers, CEO, STAY Ahead Hospitality. My thoughts…………

I celebrate International Women’s Day along with all of you ladies all around the world.

I do not want to make any political statement about what I feel regarding the current status except to say that in a good, kind and real world all of us are equal in every aspect of the word. There is still a lot of work to do and ground to cover but I believe that real progress is being made, and much more will be made in the coming years, pushed by the core values of the millennial generation.

Today American women are ‘striking’ in the USA to illustrate what a day without women looks like. That may be wrong depending on your point of view, but take a minute to imagine what the atmosphere must be like in all the workplaces without the ladies today!

How dull and boring! Just guy talk and stories? Even more seriousness at work than normal? No smiles or creative advice and guidance? No ladies laughing to make you smile and enjoy the day more? No real balance to meetings, alternative points of view?

So take a ‘woman free’ minute to consider all that women across the world do to make it a much more enjoyable place to be. Take a minute to think of just how much women in your life accomplish each and every day, wherever they may be, the home or work or wherever. Think of the positive impact on family, work and politics. It is beyond awesome!

It has been said that if women ruled there would be no wars, well ….probably true.

So, as women celebrate International Women’s Day, we must work harder for total equality and remember to show appreciation for all they do for us day in and day out.


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