Saturday, March 11, 2017

A thought for Saturday!

Stephen W. Ayers, CEO STAY Ahead Hospitality
I always start my Saturday paper by looking at my favorite cartoons. It's a good thing to do with my first sips of a good cuppa tea, and always brings a smile to my face!
I had to laugh at the 'six-chix' cartoon today that I have attached above. But it also got me thinking about what I have always told my 'last line of defense' in the food facilities in the hotels I have managed. By 'last line of defense' I mean all the wonderful servers that work so hard every day to deliver good, tasty food to your tables.
While the Chefs are responsible for not only making the food perfect in taste, they must of course present it perfectly as we all know that we eat with our eyes first!
So, if the food looks cold, off, wrongly presented, or anything else but perfect, we must rely on our last line of defense to return it to the kitchens and give them our wholehearted backing when the cooks push back.
It is only by working together and having each others' backs that we will be able to deliver that perfect product!
So, have a laugh at the cartoon, and then reflect on whether your establishment delivers a great meal, great food served looking perfect!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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